Apparently kappa are a real menace to society.

I met one of my Japanese speaking partners today, a girl named Ryoko. We had a lovely time chatting in English and Japanese about ourselves and languages and No Doubt. The Japanese students are almost done with their semester, so she's about to end her first year of college and then go on break until April. But I felt sufficiently satisfied with my ability to communicate with her in Japanese, and actually found myself reverting even when we were talking in English. I have a such a strong desire to get better and improve in all the ways that I can, and I'm really excited about all the Japanese I'm going to learn. Taking the placement test today, I was staring at the advanced section thinking about how badly I wanted to know how to read all of it. And while it may not be entirely clear to me what it is I'm doing with my degree in this foreign language at this point, I know that I have enough drive to make something of it.
Here are some perfectly packaged Japanese strawberries from the supermarket.