Friday, April 24, 2009

quick update and handy tool

I wanted to point you Japanese-learning types towards which is a secret I learned a while ago but forgot about until just now. It takes all the kanji on a webpage and adds ふりがな。 Very useful in combination with lyrics in Japanese!

In other news, I had a rather awesome day. I bought 100 yen juggling bean bags at the 100 yen shop and while they are much too light, there are 4 of them (I need to learn how to do 4 ball, I can only do 2 and 3 ball), and I missed juggling. I also finally asked if I could play the guitar in my host brothers' room, which was ~the best~ idea I've had in a while. My fingers hurt because I haven't played since I've been here and I played a lot this afternoon. I've been busy learning more Neko Case songs and brushing up on my old repertoire of the pillows and Voxtrot. I wish I could play more but actually my fingers cannot handle it. The guitar was covered in dust so I'm just going to kidnap it unless someone wants it back. I don't know why it took me so long to ask. Just goes to show, you have to know how to keep yourself happy.


  1. It just got a little bit better, because you are now anime club president! Probably. No one said they would run against you at the meeting, but there weren't a whole ton of people so there's going to be an email... and, well, we'll see. But tonight you ran unopposed.

  2. Bahaha... cool. Let me know how that turns out.

  3. This club...
    I need to know about it.
