Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Lock-Up

The night before Andy left for Shikoku, we went up to Kyoto to hang out with Jess. After hanging out in the fanciest McDonald's I've ever seen and doing purikura (which are golden, I wish I could show them to you), we met up with some of her friends and went to dinner at The Lock-Up, which is a prison/dungeon-themed restaurant. They put you in a cell where you sit on the floor around a low table (Japanese-style!) with one blaring light hanging above you. Every hour and a half, I suppose (you're there for 2), they turn off the overhead lights and turn on the blacklights, and paintings of scary faces and handprints appear on the walls and monsters come around and terrorize you. I'm a total wimp, so my screaming was greatly enjoyed by the rest of the party (and I was the closest one to the door), but it was all in good fun. We ate a lot of food and drank a lot of delicious drinks. I always love hanging out with Jess and Andy together, as they're some of my lulziest, closest friends, and we always have a good time. She told us all about her spring break in Australia, which sounded like a much-needed break from Japan for her. I was quite pleased with the whole excursion.


  1. OMJ.
    I think Hollywood needs this restaurant. Another potential job op.

  2. It was pretty great, I think it would do well in Hollywood. Just to get IN to the restaurant was like a theme park. Things made loud noises suddenly and once you finally made your way through the maze, you had to stick your hand through a creepy hole to open the door. I couldn't do it! Hahaha.
