I figured I should finish this up before I do posts about other things, so here is the last pic spam of my everyday route to school.

Here is outside the station. That is a hill in the distance that I walk up. There will be a picture from the top of it looking down later.

Cute storefront featuring pigs.

The top of the hill. The point of this picture was to illustrate how vending machines materialize out of nowhere all the time.

Ah yes, the Family Mart. From here, I have to turn down this boring pathway which I probably didn't take any pictures of because it's boring.

Once the boring path ends, I turn down this residential street with lots of fancy-looking houses. They are pretty interesting, and I enjoy their landscaping.

The final stretch involves walking down this street past the filtering plant, and it's very plain and urban as you can see.

Here's the entrance to the filtering plant, which is conveniently right next to the west gate of Kansai Gaidai. They're not really separated, but if you try and walk through the plant gates, the security guy will tell you to go to next door.

And finally, we reach Kansai Gaidai. The gates say 関西外国語大学 which is the official name of the school (Kansai Gaikokugo Daigaku, meaning something like Kansai Foreign Language University). Inside the gates are always cute security guard who tell you good morning and help you cross the treacherous street (which is nowhere near treacherous but in Japan, no one crosses against the light). The people going through this intersection are on foot, on bike, on scooters (ugh, I want one) or motorcycles, in cars, or in big trucks making deliveries or something. But mostly when I'm there, it's just exchange students crossing the street.

Bonus Shot! From the top of the hill going back to the station at sunset.
And that concludes the thrilling journey of my commute. It takes about an hour 10 minutes from my room to my classroom. I'm starting to shave off a little on the walking parts, and I don't really notice how long it takes anymore, so I suppose you could say that I have adjusted to 通学 (tsuugaku, commuting to school). And it does provide a great excuse to play Phoenix Wright everyday... I finished the first game the other day, finally. Plus, it's good exercise which I don't normally get (ssh) so I can't really complain.
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